Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Excuse me, come again?

It is no wonder that women have been so quick to judge a book by its cover, or to being able to have a vulgar appreciation for men because of the lack of appreciation of how men have degraded women.

Granted, through our history men have been acclaimed the "dominate" figure in society. Wether this be through politics, business, education, or in general men have over time been this omniscient power. However, we are now in the year 2011 and have yet to understand that this almighty feeling of empowerment men still think holds true exists.

1979, the year in which women had been granted free from discrimination by the United Nations. So, what makes it okay in the year 2011 for men to degrade women by connotations such as "bitch", "hoe", "slut" and that what a man can do will eventually be forgotten, but for a woman to gain a name from? It honestly makes no sense. Yet, continuously these boys continue to look like a deer in headlights when they do not understand woman's unappreciative view upon their rude,ignorant, intrusive behavior.

By no means are all men the same. However, for a boy to become a man does involve appreciation not only to those around them, but to themselves (and works vise-versa). What is it that one is really saying when they are giving racial or gender slurs? True character and insecurity is expressed to others by actions of ourselves. Wether we like to believe it or not our conduct to those we choose to learn about is a reflection to whom we are as individuals and the message we give not only to those we are directly verbally and nonverbally communicating with but those younger than us for them to learn and accept.

In the same, those older who frown upon behaviors of the present... history doesn't just create itself it is adopted. Not to say that we are not responsible for our own actions, because that is true responsibility, but to continually live in a pessimistic mind set that the future is doomed with those of this generation is a stretch. We in the last 50 years have been able to diminish barriers that our grandparents may not have been able to fathom, but in due time there are always bumps in the road and lessons to be learned. But, to be able to move forward we need to trust, open, and respect all of those around us, and most importantly ourselves.

Monday, August 8, 2011

On the Brink

Have you ever just sat and wondered "what if?" Of course you have, we all have.

Although many of us claim that we would go back and turn back of the hands of time, I honestly think that we really wouldn't if we could. Think about how many of the decisions we have made that has molded who we are now; would you?

Then there are times, that we are on the edge. Wondering if we should take the plunge... say things we know we want to say, feel things that we want to feel, and to let go of the hesitations and just go for it. That's exactly when the angel on the left shoulder always decides to speak... or at least it seems that way. Speaking what the mind knows is the right answer, but every other sign tells you that the "what if" will creep up if not done now.

I guess you can say lately my emotions have been "on the brink." However, the rational "man" side, according to Men Are from Mars, Women are from Venus, reminds me that time will only solve itself and to continue living in my "cave" until all signs tell me to open and convey my true thoughts. On the other hand, my youthful naive Jacqueline tells me to continue to be spontaneous, and that there is no better time than the present. All tables turn however when the shoe is on your own foot, and that when in the midst of making an irrelevant, unsubstantial decision ends up turning into what makes up a lot of the day waiting for something to happen that in turn may not be happening simply because hurt has taught me to say nothing at all.