"Seize life for its memories not its things, it is then we grow"-@JackieSCraig
Life truly is short. Even at 22, I see life fly by and dreams that I thought I would have accomplished still have gone untouched, not because I have lost ambition but because life happens. The beauty of life is the unexpected hurtles that we learn to deal with. It is when we look at the rear-view and reflect back and learn from our mistakes that we flourish.
I have learned that there is never money wasted, as long as mindful, in traveling... exposure to the world. It is through traveling we learn to appreciate what it is we do have, and expose ourselves to humbling unknowns.
If you died with all the money in the world and never traveled would you be poor? Or, would you be poor traveling the world and die with no money left?
We must learn to set goals and dreams higher than materialistic desires. When we have the means to survive, we are already blessed with everything it is we need. Happiness is not in form of wealth, but through experiences.
If you were told you would have only months to live... would there be things you have never done that you would start planning to do?
This saddened fate of some, so why do we wait until it is too late to live, to be happy & spread happiness to all, to travel, to learn things we've not done. Let's be grateful, time is a gift.
As life happens we change our desires, our goals and ambitions. It is true that sometimes they change, but let us not be fooled by designer names, the next car to market, or the newest phone... but the money to be used to grow as an individual; things that people can't steal or rob us from.
We are in change of our destiny, that "gift" is the power we have in our "present." #LivetoLearn
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