From experience, and through the relationships I have been fortunate enough to have experienced, those who truly understand positivity often are left exhausted; but as it has been told, we can sleep when we are dead.
Keeping a positive spirit when the world seems to view the cup half empty is a hard task, but a journey well-worth the extra effort. Life is meant to live, and not waste judging and conforming, let's learn to love!
Let's continue working to become the people we want to be & help each other towards the right direction. Let's seek the goals that we desire and not let the thoughts of judgement hinder a prosperous future.
I commend those who venture off and are true go-getters... those who fear not where the unknown is located... the untold journey of that choice is that all things we have learned to find comfort in: friends, family, places, etc. are lost to the determination to find more; and are learning to adjust and maintain peace & positive spirit.
I want to give a mention to my dearest friend Nestor, who is a Michigan-native, and moved to the west coast to chase his dreams and make more; and undeniably is making them come true. Remember... at times it seems the hardest are the experiences that we grow the most from. You are an idol, a go-getter & a positive ray of sunshine that any one who has been blessed to have met/get to know you, knows. Never doubt the moves you have made, or lose the motivation to spread your love for life among others because there are times where I reflect back to your words of encouragement that have made it possible for me to see past times where it could have been easier to give up.
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