Through observation I have better understood who we women tend to be society. We play as a pawn in this role in life to alter our ways and live to impress. We through nurture have became prone to the negative thought of jealousy. But we must reflect to ourselves what jealousy really consists of, and if it is something that we can alter.
We women, daily, make judgements to what we want people to see the expectations in which we put forth for others to follow. There is no denying this because in time we all have made judgements, daily ones, in which we put forth not solely for our personal advancement, but for others to see and mimic. It is something us women take pride in, because as the world around us continues to change we set precedence into the society on our footprint mark in which we want others to see. Wether this may be as little as putting on makeup for others to notice, or to get a raise at work, we all are subject to it.
Through observing I have began to realize, in noticing my own self the strength jealousy plays in society.We women walk around with our noses held high without realizing the individual importance every woman in society plays. The snobbish inconsistencies with the fake smiles and the negative connotations wether it be through body language or eye contact. We must realize that we all, in our way, are beautiful. And instead of living out our interior beauty we stick our noses in the air.
Task: All my female followers I want to say "you're beautiful" or "gorgeous" to eight people today/tomorrow.
This simple deed will show you how much easier it is to neglect someone as a person than it is to notice the beautiful people around us all the time. Also, in that you begin to realize how certain peoples' actions make them more/less beautiful. If you dive into it even more than just at surface value you begin to think and wonder of the beauty not only in our society, but begin to wonder what is classified as beauty amongst other cultures/faiths/etc. And how our built prejudices alter our interpretation of "beautiful" and that it almost comes to us as instinctive to judgements based on someone's' exterior, and as a whole we need to shift away from this thought as a society.
To the woman noticed: It is often that we take things for granted, We realize that we may have good hair, eyes, smile, skin, or whatever it may be without realization that sometimes we become so wrapped up in it. We must step away and make sure that we validate that there is a difference between confidence and arrogance. But, I do also know that it is the people that are most noticed that are often most alone. We begin to seclude ourselves into a world because we become too self-sufficient and we begin to leave others that want to be a part out of the equation. We, must become more balanced in the circle of life and realize that all people that we encountered with in life make us who we are. There are no reasons for jealous behavior, or to put ourselves on this petistole because we are all human, some more gifted than others, but wether we realize it or not, our personality soon becomes distorted to others through what we express to others and that is truly what makes us beautiful or ugly.
To the woman unnoticed: As much as we think beauty goes unnoticed, people see the most true charisma and character in us that are unnoticed. The trick is finding what it is within ourselves what makes us, us... and express that the world. Have you ever heard the saying, you are your own worst critic; although it seems the world is against us for the majority of the time I promise you once we realize that self-sufficiency and confidence is found only within ourselves we begin to realize that life is capable of open doors that are waiting for us to walk through. We create this world, as much as we think that it is already premeditated and set in stone; it just takes one person to realize within themselves that they can make a difference. So, no more rollin eyes at other girls or wishing that you were someone else. The true gift is when we fully allow ourselves to love we will see that love will find us. It is when we give the world a chance to just let it live and we do actions and realizations for ourselves that we truly make a change.