So it dawned on me today what the meaning of "purple" day was all about. Have we really become so narrow minded that we need to have a day because six gay kids killed themselves due to the fact that we can't accept them in society.
We have become this country of acceptance. And we have boasted even to the fact of our equal rights to woman, blacks, races of all sorts... but when it comes to gays we can't let it happen?
There is NO reason that we as humans, like one another, should EVER have a reason not to accept someone because of their own morals and their way of life. Some may say that it is wrong, but to not accept and bully those who believe different than us is just inhumane and unethical.
And I know that I know little with the bible, but that seems to be the only excuse that those whom do not accept fall back to. In all reality, the bible can contradict many things that has changed the world we live in today. But is the main message of God not to accept people. Do you think that he would have created someone with certain feelings, human, if he did not want it to be accepted?
This is not to say that we all wether a woman, black, or anything had to fight to get their acceptance, but for us to bully those enough to drive them to death is unacceptable and should be ashamed.
We live knowing that we have limited years to learn, grow, become more knowledgeable, so some go to the mere extent of wasting their time intruding on others lives trying to impose what is wrong when judgement itself is the negative fuel to the fire.